Our modern business world has changed with waste management and environmental issues propelled higher up the boardroom agenda than ever before. Both Government legislation and Corporate Social Responsibility have accelerated and highlighted the need for businesses to ensure that waste reduction and recycling form part of company policy.
Here at Binn Group we have been championing this practice for over 20 years, working with sole traders through to national Blue Chip organisations. Our experienced team work closely with all clients to create and manage the optimum waste management programme, ensuring compliance with legislation and value for money.
Embedded as part of your company’s structure, Binn Group will provide a pro-active service working in partnership with your own environmental team. This ensures that we guide you through the complex legislative requirements and compliance with Duty of Care.
An unrivalled service from Binn Group includes:
- On-site waste audits
- Single-source supplier for all waste and recycling requirements
- Dedicated account manager, fully supported by expert team
- Focussed operational service with modern fully equipped vehicle fleet
- Regular streamlined and bespoke contract management information and progress meetings
- Guidance and compliance on current and future legislation