Binn Group took centre stage once again this November, as main event sponsor for the leading local business event of the year.
This is the fourth year that Binn Group has backed the Perthshire Chamber of Commerce annual Business Star Awards, supporting businesses large and small in the glittering showdown.
The Star Awards has become a highly successful, enjoyable and entertaining premiere event on the Perthshire business calendar.
“Binn Group is proud and delighted to be associated with such a key gathering that not only recognises and rewards excellence but also encourages and promotes young and aspiring businesses and personnel,” said Binn Group CEO, Allan Macgregor.
“The Star Awards event is an opportunity for the whole Perthshire business community to celebrate success – which is something we maybe don’t do often enough,” added Allan. “Binn Group is part of Perthshire’s business community and it’s wonderful to hear the amazing success stories from our peers. We look forward every year to toasting the new Stars on the night and celebrating with them as the best in the business lift the coveted titles.”
The Business Star Awards highlight what businesses – from solo operators to large multi-nationals – are doing to create jobs, attract people to live and work in Perthshire, encouraging them to spend time and money in the area and investing in products and services based in the region.
“Hopefully the continuing support of Binn Group will allow the Chamber to maintain the high standard of event that we have all come to enjoy and to allow planning for next year’s business showcase.”